mardi 28 août 2012

National Campaign Launched to Recruit Fellows to Understand How Software Can Help Research

University of Southampton (United Kingdom) (08/23/12)

The United Kingdom's Software Sustainability Institute recently started recruiting researchers to take part in its new Fellows program to develop a better understanding of the way that software is used in research. The Software Sustainability Institute is a team of experts from the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford, and Southampton who are committed to cultivating world-class research through software. The institute team is seeking about 15 new Fellows who are based in a wide range of research areas that rely on software in science, technology, digital humanities, engineering, and social sciences. "The Software Sustainability Institute was set up in 2010 to help researchers use and develop software that is reliable, well engineered, and can be re-used by different disciplines in and outside their research programs," says the institute's Simon Hettrick. The launch event, which takes place on Sept. 10, will be an opportunity for prospective applicants to learn more about the Fellow program, network with similar-minded researchers, meet people from the institute, and learn how software can better influence research.

jeudi 23 août 2012

The Wild World of Wearable Computers

Network World
(08/20/12) Julie Sartain

The technology associated with wearable computers is growing quickly and could become a priority in the near future. Altimeter Group analysts call this phenomenon the sentient world, because it has to do with machines thinking and communicating with humans instead of just taking instructions. "Our research around this sentient world has more to do with the fact that machines and environments will begin to learn over time instead of simply anticipating our commands or making our commands easier to input," says Altimeter Group analyst Chris Silva. He says in the next 18 months there will be more mass-marketing applications for multiple sensors that will exploit people's omnipresent connection computers. "The eyeglasses are really cool, but they're just too far out there for a lot of people to grab any time soon," says Forrester analyst Frank Gillette. In order to realize the full potential of wearable computing, companies needs to consider the ergonomics, performance, reliability, flexibility, and manageability of the overall solution, says Motorola's Darren Koffer. For example, Belgian researchers recently presented an energy-harvesting technology that uses thermoelectric elements integrated into textiles to produce enough energy to power body sensors such as a heart rate monitor, a pulse oxymeter, or a watch.

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mercredi 22 août 2012

Integrated web apps in ubuntu 12.10

At first this might seem little more than the ability to open a dedicated web browser window with a web app — it’s much more than that. The Ubuntu WebApps is a new API that allows web applications to tightly integrate with Unity and make use of various features. The web-based applications can take advantage of the notification system, the HUD, the Launcher, and more. This means that, for example, when you have, say, a Google Docs file open, the Google Docs menu system will be directly accessible via the HUD (Head Up Display). Users will also have automatic integration between Google docs and the notification system (no more installing a third-party software). There is already an impressive list of sites that support the API: News Sites: BBC News ( CNN News ( m) Yahoo! News ( Google News ( m) Yandex News ( Google Reader ( Reddit ( Mail services: GMail ( m) Yahoo! Mail ( Yandex Mail ( QQ Mail ( Windows Live Mail ( Mail RU ( Social Networks: Facebook ( Twitter ( Google+ ( m) ( LinkedIn ( YouTube ( Tumblr ( Games: Cut the Rope ( Angry Birds (chrome.angrybi Lord of Ultima (lordofultima.c om) Command and Conquer: Tiberium Alliances (alliances.comm andandconquer. com) Office Apps: Google Docs ( m) Google Calendar ( Misc Launchpad ( ( Amazon ( Amazon Cloud reader ( m) Subway IRC For any developer that wishes to add their site to the list, go to the Ubuntu Web Apps API Documentation to get started.

mardi 21 août 2012

Installing App Inventor. Setup Software for GNU/Linux

You'll need sudo privileges to do the installation.

For systems that can install Debian packages
Use these instructions for systems that can install Debian packages (e.g., Debian or Ubuntu):

Download the Appinventor Setup installer Debian package . This is a file named appinventor-setup_1.1_all.deb (about 86 Megabytes). It is a Debian package installer file. The place it will end up on your computer depends on how your browser is configured. Typically, it will go into your Downloads folder.
If your system can install packages simply by clicking on the package file, then do that.
If your system doesn't support clickable package installers, then navigate to the directory where the file is located and run the command

sudo dpkg --install appinventor-setup_1.1_all.deb

With either method, you might need to ensure that the deb file as well as the directory it's in are world readable and world executable. On some systems, sudo does not have default privileges to read and execute all files.
The software will be installed under /usr/google/appinventor-setup.
You'll also need to configure your system to detect your device.
Linux Setup - App Inventor for Android
//TODO add explanation on how to install the sdk of android

Application builder App inventor

Application android simple

jeudi 16 août 2012

Le stylet, l'arme fatale de Samsung pour détrôner l'iPad

INTERNET - C'est un front de plus dans la "guerre" que se livrent les concurrents d'Apple pour tenter de détrôner l'iPad. Samsung a lancé mercredi 15 août en grande pompe, sur le marché américain, une nouvelle tablette tactile qui fonctionne sous le système d'exploitation de Google, Android. Le Galaxy Note 10.1 est doté d'un stylet baptisé "S Pen", sa véritable innovation majeure. L'appareil est déjà commercialisé depuis la semaine dernière dans quelques pays dont l'Allemagne, mais il sera commercialisé aux Etats-Unis à partir de jeudi. 
Le "S Pen" peut remplacer une souris ou être utilisé comme un stylo. L'appareil est en fait sensible à la pression exercée, ce qui lui permet de ne tenir compte que du stylo et pas du doigt qui appuie sur l'écran quand on écrit. "Pour la première fois, écrire à la main sur une tablette a du sens", a souligné un responsable de Samsung, Travis Merrill.
La tablette peut aussi transformer l'écriture manuelle en caractères d'imprimerie et corriger des schémas. Samsung a mis en avant l'intérêt de cette fonctionnalité pour les étudiants, par exemple. Elle permet aussi d'utiliser plusieurs applications en même temps, en divisant l'écran en plusieurs fenêtres.
Un défi d'envergure pour Samsung
Avec cette nouvelle tablette, Samsung va tenter de surpasser Apple. Le géant sud-coréen est le premier concurrent de la marque à la pomme sur ce marché, mais bien loin derrière avec seulement 2,4 millions d'unités vendues au deuxième trimestre. Sur 25 millions de tablettes vendues au deuxième trimestre dans le monde, 17 millions étaient des iPad, selon des données de l'institut IDC.
Les tablettes sont présentées comme le futur moteur de croissance du marché informatique. Selon une enquête publiée début juillet par le cabinet NPD, elles devraient supplanter les ordinateurs portables d'ici à 2016.

Source : FTVi avec AFP

mardi 14 août 2012

JavaOne San Francisco, Sept 30-Oct 4. Over 400 technical sessions and networking with the stars of the Java world. New this year: Sunday keynotes and the Oracle Music Festival. The content catalog is live, so start planning for an unforgettable week of Java technology, Java community, and fun. Java Embedded @ JavaOne San Francisco, Sept 30-Oct 4. A new conference for C-level executives, architects, business leaders, and decision makers. Learn firsthand how Java-embedded solutions are being applied to a wide spectrum of business verticals. Silicon Valley Code Camp Los Altos Hills, CA, Oct 6-7. Right after JavaOne, by and for the developer community, over 100 sessions, free. jTechDay Chennai, India, Sep 15. A free day to explore different aspects of Java technology from Java language to Java devices. Sponsored by JUGChennai. J-Fall Nijkerk, Netherlands, Oct 31. A fine Java conference in the heart of Holland. Free for NLJUG members, a great reason to start or renew your membership. QCon San Francisco, Nov 7-9. QCon is a tech conference designed for team leads, architects and project managers. Early Bird discount expires August 24th. OTN members receive an additional $100 discount. Details on the OTN Member Discount page. Devoxx Antwerp, Belgium, Nov 12-16. A premier tech event in Europe, for Java and other technologies. Registration is open. jDays Gothenburg, Sweden, Dec 3-5. jDays, a dynamic Java developer conference, comes to Gothenburg. In addition to conference and presentations, visitors can join any courses in Java and related technologies for free.

NetBeans IDE 7.2.

Released NetBeans IDE 7.2 promises a smarter and faster way to write bug-free code with new static code analysis in the Java Editor, enhanced project scanning, and improvements to support in JavaFX, Java EE, PHP, Groovy, and C/C++.

lundi 6 août 2012

#Tablette #Samsung Note 10.1

Python Programming Language

Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and lower maintenance costs.
Python runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and has been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines.
Python is free to use, even for commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license.
Here are some links to documentations